Extracurricular quiz

Which adjectives best describe your personality?


You value people who...

Are fun to be around
Listen to you
Put in a lot of effort in what they do
Are kind to you

What is your activity level?

Always moving at every chance you get
Can move when you are asked to
Little to none
When you get around to it

What is your typical style choice?

Shorts and a tee
The outfit you planned the day before
The comfier the better
Whatever you throw together

What would you rather do on a typical Sunday afternoon?

Hike with friends
Listen to music
Draw and paint
Volunteer at an animal shelter

But first, what is your name?

(This will not be stored or seen by anyone other than you.)

For creative and expressive students, art nurtures creativity and allows students to express themselves through visual arts. Extracurriculars in Art offered at Marist College include performing arts like dance and drama, as well as art design, painting and photography.

For more info, check out this page here!

Marist College recognizes the considerable benefits of participation in sports. Students participate in sports for different reasons whether with the intention to win, learn new skills, make friends or just have fun.

For more info, check out this page here!

At Marist College, there are numerous opportunities for students to give back to their own community and help those in need.

For more info, check out this page here!

Marist College offers group and individual (seniors only) music lessons taught by highly trained teachers and professional musicians. Students can also join school musical groups and particpate in school concerts or competitions.

For more info, check out this page here!